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Home GENERIC RADIO JINGLES 50 Generic Radio Jingles Pack Download

50 Generic Radio Jingles Pack Download

Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $45.00.

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Top Radio Jingles Inc.


These jingles are great for a variety of occasions, from birthdays to special events and everything in between.

One of the most popular jingles on the list is "Happy Birthday," which is a timeless classic that is perfect for celebrating birthdays. It has a catchy tune and upbeat lyrics that are sure to get everyone in the party spirit.

Another great jingle is "Celebrate," which is perfect for any kind of celebration, whether it's a graduation, wedding, or anniversary. This jingle has a great beat and is sure to get everyone up and dancing.

If you're looking for something a little more upbeat and energetic, then "Let's Dance" is the perfect jingle for you. This jingle has a great rhythm and is perfect for getting people up and moving.

For those who are looking for something a little more romantic, "Love You" is the perfect jingle. This jingle has a beautiful melody and heartfelt lyrics that are sure to touch the hearts of listeners.

Other great jingles on the list include "Party Time," "Shake It Up," and "Turn Up the Volume," all of which are perfect for getting the party started and keeping the energy high.

I hope you find these jingles as exciting and useful as I have. They are sure to be a hit with listeners of your show or radio station and will help to keep the music flowing and the party going.


  1. ClassicCountDonwJinBublingUpThe20
  2. ClassicCountDonwJing#One
  3. ClassicCountDonwJingBublingUpThe10ClassicCountDonwJingBublingUpThe10
  4. ClassicCountDonwJingThisIsAFlashBack
  5. ClassicCountDonwJingThisWeek#One
  6. ClassicCountDonwJingThisWeekHighestNewEntrie
  7. ClassicJingles5HitsInARoll
  8. ClassicJingles10HitsInARoll
  9. ClassicJinglesAllHitsAllTheTime
  10. ClassicJinglesAllTheHitsAndMore
  11. ClassicJinglesAllThePowerWeNeed
  12. ClassicJinglesAnotherLongCommecialFreeMusic
  13. ClassicJinglesAWorldExclusive
  14. ClassicJinglesCDHitsInStereo
  15. CLAssicJinglesCoolestSoundUFindAnyWhere
  16. ClassicJinglesDanceTracks
  17. ClassicJinglesDon'tTuchThatDail
  18. ClassicJinglesDoUReallyWannaDanceHitIt
  19. ClassicJinglesFabulors50's
  20. ClassicJinglesFeelAllThePower
  21. ClassicJinglesFillingTheSkyWithMusicEnergy
  22. ClassicJinglesFlashBack
  23. ClassicJinglesGaranteeFutureHits
  24. ClassicJinglesGetSetForANonStopMusic'sWeek
  25. ClassicJinglesGoodMusicDoIt
  26. ClassicJinglesHappyBirthDayToYou
  27. ClassicJinglesHitsAfterHits
  28. ClassicJinglesHotSound
  29. ClassicJinglesHottestHitsInStereo
  30. ClassicJinglesIt'sMusic,It'sMusic
  31. ClassicJinglesLetsSlowDown
  32. ClassicJinglesMemories
  33. ClassicJinglesMemoriesAreMadeOfHits
  34. ClassicJinglesMixByMix,30mntNonStopDancing
  35. ClassicJinglesMusicPower
  36. ClassicJinglesNobodyPlay'sHardSlamingTunes
  37. ClassicJinglesNoBodyPlaysMoreNewTune,Rmx&Clab
  38. ClassicJinglesNonStopMusic
  39. ClassicJinglesPowerMusicPower
  40. ClassicJinglesRankingUpHits
  41. ClassicJinglesSoundEfect
  42. ClassicJinglesStationByStation
  43. ClassicJinglesTheEnegyetic80's
  44. ClassicJinglesTheHottestSoundOnYourDail
  45. ClassicJinglesTheHottestTuneBackToBack
  46. ClassicJinglesTheHottestTuneBackToBack2
  47. ClassicJinglesTheSwinging60'S
  48. ClassicJinglesTime4UsToCelebrate
  49. ClassicJinglesTime4UsToCelebrate
  50. ClassicJinglesTurnItUpLoud
  51. ClassicJinglesUFindItTheBestMusicUFindAnyWhere
  52. ClassicJinglesWeKeepOnRocking





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